Civil War

I saw the new Captain America: Civil War movie a few weeks ago, and I was impressed. While I am generally burnt out on comic-super-hero movies, this one was really entertaining. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, you have probably seen the previews, but to give you the basic premise: Captain America and Iron Man are both good guys. They are supposed to be on the same team. A difference in opinion escalates into a full conflict, then a fight. Captain America gets hurt, Iron Man gets hurt. While they are busy fighting each other, the bad guy runs amok. I won’t ruin the ending for you, it really is worth seeing.

iron man


Do you have a nemesis in the workplace? Are there any of your coworkers that you just cannot work with? Have you ever supervised a particular person who seemed to be constantly battling you about responsibilities, attendance, or whatever?

What about B2B? Are there any suppliers, vendors, contractors that you constantly struggle with for one reason or another?

These types of conflicts are only good if you enjoy DRAMA. I suggest that you examine any of these situations that may apply to you and look for a resolution rather than continuing to “battle it out”:

In the case of a coworker, it may be a matter of agreeing to disagree about a particular point or policy.

For someone you supervise, you might explore what other issues may be contributing to the problem. It may be a matter of dissatisfaction, or there may be something that you could improve or change in the workplace that would improve the situation. On the other hand, perhaps termination of that employee is a better solution than continuing to put up with poor performance or a bad attitude.

If you have supply issues, nonconformance, or pricing issues that cannot be resolved with a vendor or contractor, it will be worthwhile to re-negotiate terms or even find a new provider. Struggling/battling with those entities that should be your “allies” will result in inefficiency and affect your bottom-line in one way or another.


What has been the biggest disagreement or conflict you have had with a coworker? What was the result?

What suggestions do you have for resolving issues in a supervisor/employee situation?

Have you been able to successfully resolve a serious issue with a contractor or supplier? How did you do it?

Have you seen the Captain America: Civil War movie? What did you think?


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