

[kuh n-fab-yuh-ley-shuh n]
1.the act of confabulating; conversation; discussion.

A confabulation is a meeting or a discussion involving multiple people.
This resource contains ideas, information, best practices, and suggestions related to various aspects of running or starting a business. You will find various items concerning management, supervision, team leadership, presentations and other aspects of the business world. Many of the posts will be high level and applicable to any scenario, but  whenever possible specific examples and knowledge related to a particular industry or field will be shared.
One of the most important goals of this site will be to provide fresh ideas and interesting examples that you can share with your team in order to motivate them or to help gain support for your proposal, etc.
Your thoughts and perspective are highly valued and will be shared. The resource will become much more valuable with additional input, comments, thoughts, examples, etc. that you can share.
Here are links to some of my favorite posts/pages so far:

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